I Spent Years Looking For Answers!
A few years ago I used to struggle to go to work: every day, I got up with my arms, neck and shoulders aching and made my way into the office.
Once I got there, I worked on the PC for most of the day. The aches in my body got worse as I worked and I couldn't wait to take breaks. I used to arrange meetings, just so I could get away from my desk and it was always a relief when I left at the end of the day.
But my problems didn't stop there! I would drive home, still feeling uncomfortable and I spent most evenings just sitting still, trying to let my body relax.
Then I went to bed and tried my best to sleep. By the morning, the pain would be more of an ache again, but then I had to go back to the office.
Weekends gave me a bit more relief, but then came Monday, and the whole cycle began again...
There Has To Be A Better Way!
That's what I thought, anyway.
My employers were supportive and they bought me new equipment to help. But each new device seemed to fix one pain and create another. I started searching for answers for myself.
Very quickly, I discovered that there was a lot of information about RSI out there - too much in fact.
But much of the information was generic or too general, some of it was conflicting, and none of it spoke directly to the specific problems I was facing.
I Can Help You Too
As I searched the internet, from health service websites, to blog posts, to forums, I discovered something else: There were thousands of people out there, who were just like me.
They had the same struggles and issues with pain at their desks, and were bewildered as to what could be done. Some spoke to their doctors and were told they needed surgery. Others wanted to prevent that situation from happening. Everyone just wanted the pain to go away.
As I started to find answers to my RSI problems, I finally saw my aches and pains recede and eventually, go completely. During that period, I began to share what I learned with others. My website, ErgonomicToolbox.com was born.
The Evolution Of ErgonomicToolbox.com
After a while, it seemed like everywhere I went, people would ask me questions. In every new team or in each new office, I found myself talking about RSI and how to overcome it.
My friends and colleagues needed to know that it really was possible to beat RSI and they wanted to know how I did it. Sometimes, they wanted to know what that weird looking mouse was doing on my desk!
Sometimes, I ended up helping people after a professional had adjusted their setup. I found that most occupational health nurses gave good advice, but my colleagues often needed just a little bit extra, to deal with their specific issues.
All these questions and answers became blog posts and I wrote reviews of ergonomic tech, plus some of those weird looking mice.
But something was missing - Don't get me wrong, people continued to ask questions, but they still had issues.
I began to see patterns in what people were thinking and feeling, as well as in their workplaces.
Problems, Problems
The problem was two fold: first people were having difficulty getting the advice and support they needed from their employer.
Second, even once they got support, it usually boiled down to a one-off workstation assessment, and a quick adjustment to their desk, only to be forgotten about the following week.
I came to some conclusions:
Not all employers are as sympathetic as they should be.
Some people feel like they have to shout at their manager before they get heard.
Sometimes people get initial answers, but with no real follow up.
The Knock On Effect
There IS a Better Way
As I have talked to so many RSI sufferers about their issues, I began to see how I could make a real difference.
As I worked on it, I began to pull together all my thoughts and experiences. What I had in mind was to bring all the disparate sources of information on the subject together into one place.
An Idea Comes Together
I knew I needed to make it quick and easy to access, but I also knew that people would need more than just the basics.
Simply reproducing the "classic" workstation assessment and giving out a few quick hints and tips, wouldn't do.
I'd need to create something that would guide people at every stage, whether they were trying to overcome a problem they'd had for years, or wanted to prevent it from happening in the first place.
More than anything else, I needed to make sure that once their RSI was gone, it definitely wouldn't come back.
And finally It's Here
The Ergonomic Toolbox
And that's how the Ergonomic Toolbox began - I took my accumulated experience from all those years and put it together in an online training course.
Ergonomic Toolbox training empowers you to overcome pain and discomfort caused by Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) at your PC or Mac.
Say goodbye to weary days, hunched over your desk and discover new, more productive ways of working.
What People Are Saying About The Ergonomic Toolbox
Purchase The Ergonomic Toolbox Today

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About the Author
I'm Tim Bader, founder of ErgonomicToolbox.com and the Ergonomic Toolbox training course.
I am a writer, author, blogger and church leader. I help people to overcome RSI and live comfortably with technology.
When I'm not writing, helping or training people, I live at home with my wife, two teenage kids and Playstation.
What You'll Learn In the
Ergonomic Toolbox
Inside the Ergonomic Toolbox, I give you comprehensive, in-depth training on all the tricks, tweaks and tools you need to stop RSI in its tracks – and prevent it coming back.
You'll learn:
What's Included In The Ergonomic Toolbox?
The Ergonomic Toolbox training course includes illustrated weekly email lessons containing simple actionable steps for you to take (there's a LOT in them, so I send them weekly), the Ergonomic Toolbox Blueprint (PDF download) to guide you through the course, self-guided surveys so you can understand exactly where you're at, bonus materials and email support.
Single payment £39 / $50

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed


100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't get clear relief from your RSI symptoms by 14 days after you purchase the course, just let me know and I'll send you a prompt refund.
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P.S.: You can walk away from this and carry on with your life "business as usual", but you'll never know whether this could have been the one thing that made a real difference.
Or you can make a choice today...
Don't live with RSI pain anymore!
*Disclaimer: I am confident that your life will be improved by the tools I will give you on this course. However, I cannot guarantee that you will be pain or discomfort free by following my recommendations. Advice and recommendations may be limited by various factors, including information you provide. Real life examples, case studies or testimonials that may be included in the course and related marketing are illustrative and cannot be interpreted as an indication of performance or level of benefit, for you. Always seek professional medical advice.
Copyright 2018 - Tim Bader | Prophetic Edge